A review by fictionofthefix
Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2014 (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, #713) by Oliver Buckram, Paul Di Filippo, David D. Levine, Tim Sullivan, Pavel Amnuel, Alyssa Wong, Charles de Lint, Gordon Van Gelder, Marc Laidlaw, Katie Boyer, Jonathan Andrew Sheen, Naomi Kritzer, James Sallis


yeah i don't think i like mermaids anymore that was preeeetty traumatizing

also, here's an actual synopsis (from the author):

''‘The Fisher Queen’’ is about the dark side of the mer­maid fishing industry on the Mekong River, and the painful, personal damage of systematic, multigenerational violence against women. It’s a story about growing up too fast, and about having an intense, deep love for your family, only to find out that they’re the monsters they were supposed to be protecting you from.''