A review by carsonelainee
The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest


i’ve had really good luck with my romcoms this year! they’ve been so memorable! after this one and exes and o’s, it’s shaping up to be the year for romcoms!

i had so much fun reading the neighbor favor! it had so many of my favorite elements to it that i’ll share later! it was so quick and easy to read and upholds everything that the genre should strive for.

i’ve been anticipating this release for a while after seeing some chapter online about it and i went out and bought it the day it came out. nick and lily were perfect for each other and nick is definitely a new top book boyfriend!

so many of their moments together were so sweet i almost started crying! (if you watched my stories yesterday, you know exactly what caused the breakdown!)

i can wax poetic about how much i loved this book all day but i’ll give you some fun reasons to read:
- it’s a book about books!! y’all know how obsessed i am with those!
- epistolary elements! the first 60 pages are told through email!
- there’s a bet!!! and a wedding!!
- humor!!
- minimal third act drama!!
- an cat who steals the show!!

i love this book and it’s definitely a top new favorite romance for me. it’s a super special read. do yourself a favor and check it out!