A review by logarithms
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston


/* as usual im gonna add to this later ahaha i have. some thoughts i guess? nothing anyone else hasnt said already which is why im only adding notes to self */

this book is fun and funny and also tried to convince me that maybe love is real actually...
very easy read and very escapist and i dont even live in america
ENEMIES (ish) *kicks leg* to FRIENDS *frontflips* TO LOVERS!!!! *crowd cheering*. oh yea this is the good stuff

no 3+ stars becuase....too horny and ???? writing had a bunch of weird jumpcuts it was confusing.
i've been reading the 1 star reviews and actually yea i agree with a lot of what they're saying but that doesn't change my rating lol...gotta pick and choose what im willing to forgive

Things i've tabbed:
- "He has the personality of a cabbage." yea same also that's hilarious
- "HRH Prince Dickhead. Poop emoji." the full stop. poop emoji. idk why im pissing my pants laughing
- ""Put the turkeys in my room, Mom."
"I'm not putting the turkeys in your room."
"Put the turkeys in my room."
"Put them in my room, put them in my room, put them in my room-"
That night, as Alex stares into the cold, pitiless eyes of a prehistoric beast of prey, he has few regrets."
(THAT CUTSCENE IS SO FUNNT IM GONNA BACKFLIP OFF MY BALCONY) (there are hints of a movie coming about and this scene would literally be the best comedy wise. the execution is fucking perfect.) (also alex is 5 years old actually and also me)
- Nora and June as Alex's entire impulse control. What a dynamic. "You know I love chaos" and I love you, Nora
- "ATTN: I will be wearing a burgundy velvet suit tonight. please do not attempt to steal my shine. you will fail and i will be embarrassed for you." ICON. also same energy as the 'do NOT touch. taking your mum to chilis tonight.' meme
- henry fleeing the country under the cover of night after kissing his crush. do i even have to say it. ICON
- entire convo w/ nora during The Bi Crisis was perfect and again, HILARIOUS. highlights:
"Prince Henry is a biscuit, let him sop you up." "-do not interrupt me-" (i love these little dialogue cues cause u can picture alex opening his mouth to interject but nora is on it) "I don't know man, I was in my junior year of high school and I touched a boob." asdfkjaskdjkda
- after that the book got too horny for me i couldn't tab anything im 12 years old actually and i can't read this. like legally. anyways i had too skim the sexytimes i wish they would just pull a fade to black and suggest smth happened but like. i know its important for their relationship development and people like reading it i guess but ugguhguhg idk i hate reading about it (*peace signs into the distance*)
- "His kimono is dangling off one shoulder so the embroidery across the back reads PRINCE BUTT." i laughed really hard at this maybe i do actually have the brain of a 12 year old U_U
- i love their squad chilling and getting drunk. wow. found family (with a few siblings but still. found family)
- "im going for like, depressed lesbian poet who met a hot yoga instructor at a speakeasy who got her super into meditation and pottery, and now shes starting a new life as a high-powered businesswoman selling her own line of hand-thrown fruit bowls" DAMN I WANNA SEE THE LOOK. nora...is the best hwat is there to say
- henry following it up with "Bitch, you took me there."
- the mom's powerpoint. oh my god. "Alex wonders if it's too late to swan dive off the roof." yea bro same. then again, humerus...
- "I'll let you look at one boob. The good one" nora drops another fantastic line. june saying "they're both good". wlw queens
- "He tells his too fast brain: Don't miss it this time. He's too important." AHHhhhhH ahhhhH yea i felt that
- "WATCH: DC Dykes on Bikes chase protesters from Westboro Baptist Church" this is the timeline we deserve. also where do i sign up

SOme thots:
Ah. Alexander Hamilton. hamilton musical has happened in this books timeline so actually yes everyone knows about hamilton and laurens and people have read and quoted ALL the letters and there is so much fanart of the literal founding fathers its ummmmm askdaksdk. god i wish i didn't know. i wish this book was the first i'd heard of the concept. but i know, im aware.
the fact that they started attaching gay historical quotes to their emails was a super sweet touch tho. much enjoyed.

the idea felt....so incredibly 2012 tumblr/wattpad maybe a hetalia and/or 1d influence but SOMEHOW this author didn't make it too cringy im. pretty impressed.

if i had to read this book in the characters accents that wouldve been quite something...southern and british. a nightmare

from now on i will only be reading chaotic bisexual protags with adhd (i think author confirmed this but dont trust me i have adhd i couldbe seen that tweet in a dream and decided that yep thats reality) this was literally so fun to read also very aha *peace signs* relatable