A review by christelgordon
Laws of Physics: Motion by Penny Reid


PSA. Don't read Penny Reid's books. Because you will become addicted. Once you've started, you won't be able to stop. She will worm her way into your heart with her clever writing and charming characters. She will become an automatic read author, and you will find yourself suffering through months of waiting for her next book. She ruins all other books for you. You will experience book hangovers that you feel you will never recover from. She will make you fall in love with every word she writes and YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. Just a warning.

That being said, I'm already addicted and I couldn't wait to leap into another story from Penny. I was younger then...so full of hope. It was all going so well. And then it ended.

So, I'll just be in the corner, going through the motions (abahahahaha*sob*ahaha), living but not alive, until we get the next one. Send help. Penny, you did this.
