A review by shannonxo
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


Well, that was a whirlwind of a book. I solidly enjoyed this.

It’s basically The Walking Dead with aliens. I didn’t find out until after I finished it that it’s actually being pitched as The Fifth Wave meets Beauty and the Beast. I’ve never read T5W, but I got the Beauty and the Beast vibe immediately. The Beast romance aspect weirded me out a little, but it’s not a deal breaker, trust me.

Do not let the first few chapters deter you. Prendergast's style is very choppy and concise here, but for the story as a whole it works. The first chapter was hands-down confusing and almost impossible to follow, but now that I've finished the book, it makes perfect sense, as does the title and cover image.

The Canadian setting was a winner. As a Canadian myself, I was thrilled to get a chance to read about my fellow countrymen being bad-ass to the core. I'm a white middle class female, so this was my special representation novel.

As antagonists, the Nahx are a fantastic choice. I wish the details about them came a bit sooner as I had a very hard time picturing them, but in the slow reveal was highly satisfying.

Would definitely recommend, and look forward to the loose ends and questions being answered in book 2.