A review by adam_z
A Memory of Light by Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan


Wow. That was a seriously epic conclusion. I feel like it's hard to review this book by itself, as it is the final chapter in what is really one L-O-N-G 14 volume epic (or 15 volume, if you count the prequel novel). I first began the series over a decade ago & have read it on & off over the years. The first 10 volumes I actually read twice. It feels surreal, not having another Wheel of Time book to begin. I will miss these characters.

There are a lot of polarized reviews of this series - most folks either really love it or hate it. There are a lot of common praises and critiques I see in the reviews of Jordan's series, and the truth of it is that most of the commonly repeated praises/gripes are all correct. This is a massive series with a ton of characters, side plots, details, etc. The author does have his idiosyncrasies, but I'm able to overlook those & enjoy the story just the same.

Is this book the perfect conclusion? It's hard to say. There are some things that I wish were handled differently. Some plot elements were dragged out, while others that I thought deserved more time were rushed & not as satisfying as I would have hoped. I could nitpick this detail or that detail, but realistically speaking, I think anyone who tries to write a 12,000 page story is going to have some difficulty in satisfyingly tying up all lose ends to the satisfaction of all readers.