A review by gadicohen93
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations by Ronen Bergman


I took so many notes down. An in-depth and broad look at not just targeted assassinations, but also at many aspects of Israel's security and military history.

Below are some disorganized notes.
-The beginning history — the militias and their travails, including the rebellion of the Altalena and Ben Gurion's strategic squashing of the militant dissent it represented, and the murders of Lord Moyne and the dozens of innocents at the King David
-The Fedayeen guerillas who snuck in from Jordan and Egypt and committed terrorist attacks, and the units that sprang up to fight them — units 504, 188, 101, which was led by Ariel Sharon to conduct retaliation attacks (!) against Arab villages. Moshe Sharett — the first foreign minister and second prime minister — was a moderating, liberal influence on the government and Ben Gurion.
-Shin Bet uncovered the Khrushchev secret speech and gave it to the CIA
-The whole saga with the German ex-Nazi scientists who helped Nasser develop weapons
-The "blackest day in aviation history" - when PFLP hijacked and exploded some Pan Am flights
-Raful Eitan - seemed awful
-If Sharon et al knew how horrific Phalangists were, how did they trust them? And the lead up to Lebanon - how Sharon was desperate to invade
-The controversial Uri Avneri interview with Arafat
-Operation Salt Fish - to assassinate Arafat in a full stadium
-Shin Bet interrogation rooms
-Abraham shalom - Skull dossier
-What did the writer mean by, "IDF was over-prepared for violence" in the Second Intifada?
-There was no discussion of Palestinian disillusionment during the intifada phase
-Condoleeza Rice and Hadley - settlements agreement with Sharon
Ron Cohen’s musketeers
-Dagan- believes Netanyahu would lead to binational solution - only for political survival - I do not want a binational state, I do not want an apartheid state. Prescient