A review by smcscot
The Tomb by F. Paul Wilson


This was a fun little book, but it definitely had issues. The first thing that threw me a little for a loop, was the title. I haven't really figured out why this book is called The Tomb. There is a Temple, there is a Freighter, but there is no tomb. It almost felt like Wilson was trying to give the story more gravity by giving it this title.
My next issue with it was the content editing. The story looses a bunch of it's suspense because you know everything that is going on at all times. Now in full disclosure, I did read "The authors definitive edition", so he may have gone back through and added a bunch more back into the story, but knowing everything took all the surprises out of the story.
The next issue was that the characters never quite lived up to their tropes. The bad guy never really directly did anything very bad, Jack was a cool character, but the beginning of the story had him seeming extraordinary, and that never really panned out.
The ending was very satisfying. It was a cliffhanger for sure (not in a story sense, but in a character stylistic choice...it'll make sense if you read it), but it gives Jack a certain amount of gravitas. Reminiscent of Indiana Jones, or James Bond.
It was also entertaining enough to ignore the coincidental nature of the plot, but just like the 2 stars says, it was ok. I think this will be a series much like the Dresden Files, where the first few were just ok, but then when the character development really started to develop, the series took off. Looking forward to the next one.