A review by thebookstagrambabe
Meet Me at the Lighthouse by Mary Jayne Baker


I enjoyed this book. Bobbie impulsively buys a lighthouse off her childhood crush Ross. But after a drunk night together they begin a quest to update the lighthouse and turn it into Ross's life long dream of a music facility for kids. They both divulge that they had crushes on each other as kids and start to pursue it as an adult, that is until Ross drops a bomb on her that makes her rethink what she is doing. Crazy ex's make an appearance, and family drama ensues. Can their attraction live on, or will their friendship, and the lighthouse, fall apart.

Overall my only complaints were it was a bit too long, and a little repetitive of the jealous boyfriend/girlfriend trope. But with that, it was cute and a quick and pleasant read! I'd rate it a 3.5 stars.

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher for the ARC in return for a review.