A review by blodeuedd
The Devil To Pay by Michele Hauf


My first try at Harlequin's nocturne silhouette books, and it had the Harlequin elements that I know, and sure some other things too. I sure never read a Harlequin book like this when I started reading them.

The story is about Ivan, a vampire phoenix and half witch, his parents story is in book 1, and this is the third by her. This one can be read without knowing what has happened before, it's a stand alone novel. Ivan's parents promised his soul to the devil and on his 21st birthday the Devil came to claim it, and since that he has worked for the dark one. His newest task is to steal a book from a witch, an easy match he thinks but that is not the case and he finds himself falling for her. In the mean time the war between vampires and witches are escalating.

I found it funny sometimes because Ivan is such a young guy really and Dez is ancient and her wanting to be part of the old granny club, very nice. There are sparks at the moment those two meet and not only happy sparks. But it's harlequin in the end so we know what that means. But it's a good ride until the end. The Devil is creepy, there is a story told later on that I really enjoyed and even perhaps liked a bit more than this one cos it was dark, and got me thinking. But they are a good couple and the both need some happiness, if they dare to get it.

There is not much about the whole vampire and witch war. Only mentions when the Grey Council meet, and I guess if there is to be more books than more will be told there. Perhaps one day they all can live peacefully next to each other.

It was a short easy read, romance, action, and the devil Himself on several occasions. Some magic and some bloodsucking, he is a vampire after all.