A review by ktc8
The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper


"Now, my little love, entrust your happiness to the wind
Trust me, the nature of men is fickle"
-Pompeii graffiti

"We thus began To imprison animals to which
nature had assigned the heavens as their element.
-Pliny the Elder, Natural History, on the caging of birds

Brutal, vivid, and unflinching. I'm torn between not entirely enjoying the style of writing and being glad it wasn't any more of a closer third person perspective because of the content. An unending condemnation of power and ultimately the men that weild it, this simultaneously stressed the importance of the joys and golden nuggets found in friendship, found family, and self-reliance/creation/strength. Distraught at its ending.

(just listened to Wolf LiKe Me by lera lynn and yeah.)