A review by kristinalh
The Potty Mouth at the Table by Laurie Notaro


I wanted this to be funnier than it was. It was entertaining, but I wanted more laughs.

Some of the funny parts:

-"I'm going to take an Ambien, eat a box of sugar-free Oreos, and gas myself to death internally," I said before hanging up.

-Just because we sit on the same potty does not mean it's okay to put my puff on your butt.

-But when I thought about it, I realized all I really wanted to do this summer was sit outside and eat chips and dip. That's my idea of a good time, frankly, and it requires a great deal of focus. The last time I lost my concentration while feeding, I walked around with a chunk of refried beans on my boob until it was jammie time because people apparently thought it was an ugly, awkwardly placed brooch or, more likely, a snack for later.