A review by renc7c69
Black Dog by Cat Grant


Originally reviewed on Words in a Teacup

Ever since Isa called it the "dog book by cat author" this book makes me giggle. It's actually a pretty sad book about a runaway kid with an abusive father who is taken in by the owner of a diner. Then the kid starts training with the same boxing trainer who used to go out with the diner owner, but of course there are Issues and Emotional Baggage to deal with before everyone can get their happy(ish) ending.

What threw me most about this book is the three different POVs, one of which is in first person POV for whichever reason. That bothered me so much because it was like it made Eddie the protagonist in a way, while overall it felt as if Tom's narrative was the most important. Even though at the end Eddie and Danny are together so by M/M romance standards this is "their" book. I don't know, I felt as if my attention was being pulled in different directions without a clear focus. The ending too felt unfinished, like this is just a piece of a bigger story rather than a standalone book.

Character-wise, though, I liked all three protagonists and quite a few of the secondary characters. I actually got emotional towards the end because I was so invested in Tom's story. To be honest I'm basing my rating almost only on feelings here; I might complain that the ending was predictable but it still had me worried sick over the fate of the protagonists.

I'm definitely going to check out the next book, and hopefully with a longer page count every character's storyline will be tied together in a more cohesive way. For now I don't feel like recommending this book to everyone, but if you're looking for a quick read that first sucker-punches you in the feels and then pats you lovingly, this book is your book.