A review by bub_9
#republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media by Cass R. Sunstein


Oh dear. I've already referenced this in my reviews of several other books either involving or tangential to this writer. Cass Sunstein, who by all accounts is an inexhaustible, irrepressible presence who enjoys writing about damn near everything he can write about, also (perhaps not inexplicably) the most-cited American legal scholar of his day, is also rather ... mediocre. Similar. Repetitive. Having one big idea and repeatedly exploring it works if you're a writer of literary fiction, less so if you're writing about the problems our world is facing today and trying to offer suggestions. Because the same diagnoses, the same prescriptions - they can't work for every single problem! The arguments are certainly solid and believable, the suggestions modest, but so delusionally technocratic that they fail to understand their own implausibility.

Here is a scathing takedown of Sunstein that I wholly endorse: https://newrepublic.com/article/154236/sameness-cass-sunstein