A review by elisquared
Love, Football, and Other Contact Sports by Alden R. Carter


A book written in short stories, Love, Football and Other Contact Sports by Alden Carter follows the life and times of the Argyle High School student body. Featuring the football team to the social outcasts, each character interconnects in the way that only surviving high school can do. Be it a conflict between a pacifist and a hothead or a feminist and a Neanderthal tradition, each story shapes the experiences of the Argyle High students that teenagers will relate to immediately.

The use of short stories makes this book very easy to read. As each connects to another they do not have to be read in order, allowing the reader to skip around as he/she likes. No prior knowledge of football is needed either; there is a handy guide to the positions within a team at the beginning of the book. Dealing with first love, bullying, racism, blended families, and growing up, each “clique” within high school is represented. Laughing one minute and gasping the next, this book is one for all readers.