A review by queenofthesouthernsun
Chasing Sunsets by Karen Kingsbury


I don't mind romance novels. I do mind romance novels driven by miscommunication. This plot is a prime example of that very problem. Mary Catherine is in love with Marcus. It's obvious and they both feel the same. What does she do? Refuses to tell him about her heart problems of course!

For all her talk about living to the full and trusting God, Mary Catherine does the exact opposite in this situation. Instead of praying about it (there's very little day-to-day communication with God in this book) and trusting Marcus to make his own decisions, she keeps it to herself, acts like she knows best and doesn't surrender this area of her life to Christ. The last quarter of the book, with her trip to Uganda sounds exactly like her walking in her own wisdom and refusing to listen to God or his messages. Literally, an angel comes up to her and offers her a message from God and she essentially ignores it in the last chapters of the book!

The rest of the novel is fine, which is why this is three stars, but the entire romance subplot is ridiculous and strains my sense of disbelief, especially in a Christian novel.