A review by neenor
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead


I'm still sat here reeling from the events in this novel. Oh my goodness. I took this book out from my school library in year seven, read a bit, and became completely confused - so I put it back without finishing it. But recently, everyone has been telling me to read it, from left, right and centre, so eventually I caved in and got it back out. And I am so pleased I did. If you have not read this novel, get it now! Trust me when I say that it will greatly enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of vampire novels; it definitely improved it for me.

First off, the characters are brilliant.I'd say there are four main characters: Rose, Lissa, Christian and Dimitri. Each one of them has a really different personality, and I'm pretty confident that anyone, boy or girl, can relate to at least one aspect from one of them, minimum. I especially liked Rose. I found that she was the kind of main character I always hope novels will have; she smart, she's quick-witted, she isn't afraid of confrontation, and she keeps the book going. I really have to congratulate Mead - even though certain bits weren't always fast-paced and exciting, they still weren't boring, Mead managed to keep the pace at a continually high level, and matched the exciting moments and more peaceful moments evenly.

Secondly, the plot. The plot was brilliant. Admittedly, I didn't quite understand what was going on at the beginning - the blurb pretty much tells you what happens at the beginning of the book, so I was just sat there wondering whether they were back at the Academy or still on the run. However, what was happening quickly became apparent, and I got into the flow of the novel easily. Also, I thought each of the surprising moments placed throughout the novel were brilliant - I never suspected a thing, not even for a minute, so when they came to light, I was really shocked. The unpredictability of it really worked well, and I found myself heavily enjoying it. When I say it was addictive, I mean it was stupidly addictive.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel, and I cannot believe I didn't read it fully sooner. Richelle Mead is an amazing author, who not only has a brilliant writing talent, but is very imaginative, and I am so in awe of her for being able to think up something as awesome as this. I definitely recommend it; you will love the witty characters and the amazing plot, and I can promise that even if you aren't a major fan of vampires, you will be after this.