A review by kailey_luminouslibro
The Last Chronicle of Barset by Anthony Trollope


This was a solid five-star book, and then the ending! I'm so angry at the ending! There's a sweet couple that I wanted to get together at the end, and they ended up apart! Gah! What kind of stupid ending is this?!? I'm so mad and disappointed and frustrated. I stuck with those two characters through two very lengthy books because I thought that in the end, it would all be worth it, and they would be happy together, and now they are miserable forever. And I'm miserable forever. I hate this. *frowny face*

Other than that, this is another masterpiece in the Barsetshire series. The story is compelling, the characters wildly interesting; the writing is genius, and I love the way that Trollope takes little every day doings of a small town and makes suspense and drama from it.

I have loved this whole series, and every other character gets a happy ending. Every other story arc has a satisfying conclusion. But this one story arc, these two characters, somehow Trollope suddenly decided to be a jerk and make them miserable. WHYYYY????