A review by hugbandit7
No More Words by Kerry Lonsdale


This is a story of a dysfunctional family with secrets and lies and while you might be able to figure out some of it, the rest will come as a surprise.

The story centers around Olivia Carson and her siblings, Lucas and Lily. We meet her parents, Dwight and Charlotte, and the life that they are trying to portray to outsiders. It is a case of living larger than their income. The only solace for the children is being able to visit the Whitman family during the summer at their lake cabin. This is where Olivia and Blaze really fall for each other as teenagers but because of some events during Olivia's childhood, she has a hard time trusting anyone. This fear torpedoes all of her relationships until the present day. Life is going along until all of a sudden a new arrival appears on Olivia's doorstep, her nephew Josh who she has only seen in photos for the last 12 years. Due to an accident, Josh has a hard time speaking and expressing his thoughts and sharing what happened to his mother, Lily. From there it is a search into the past to uncover where Lily is and what happened to her.

This book totally sucked me in and since it is a trilogy, I can only assume that the other two books are about Lucas and Lily. There are many secrets that so many people are keeping from each other and as each is uncovered, it might change how you think about the various characters. Dwight, the father, is a scumbag and treats his children all differently. While I suspected why on one front it wasn't confirmed until near the end. Charlotte, the mother, is a basket case and I honestly don't know why the two of them ever became parents. Neither of them acts as if they like their children other than Dwight and Olivia's relationship. However, as you delve deeper into the book you might wonder why they have that sort of relationship.

I liked that while there could have been a cliffhanger or two at the end of the novel, the author does wrap up the few dangling pieces which makes sense if the other books are about the siblings and what has happened in their life. There are some interesting twists with Lily's life and I am curious to learn more about how she handled having a child and raising him on her own at the age of 16.

We give this book 5 paws up and can't wait for the next two installments to see how this whole story plays out for the Carson family.