A review by baconbre
Dune by Frank Herbert


I didn’t expect to like the book sooo much. Worthy of it fame against the sands of time (sorry had to say it).

I like the movies, but they don’t compare. The way the author describes the scenery its just enough to put you there with the characters. He doesn’t over do it like Lovecraft. The characters in the book are so human. Everyone has a real reason behind their actions. I can’t stand when you read/watch stories where the characters do the stupidest things to endanger themselves and their plans (like game of thrones), but with Dune that’s not an issue. Everyone has their own weaknesses, but they persevere. The ending was so well done the pacing was perfect. I recommend it and suggest if a part is confusing to skim ahead and it will explain what happened. In my opinion one or two parts are confusing so that you share the confusion the characters experience creating a shared experience with them.