A review by kerasalwaysreading
Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills


I listened to the audiobook and I am glad that I did because the voices were great and they did a great job telling both person's stories (especially Declan's because the accent was hot af!)

Elizabeth Bennett, who shares the name of the heroine from her favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, was attacked by her boyfriend on prom night two years ago. And, while she claims she is doing okay, that night still haunts her. She cannot get really close to men anymore so she has one night stands with average men of her choosing in a place where she feels safe. That is her way of feeling like she is back in control of something in her life again. While in college, she meets Declan Blay, a sexy Brit with tattoos. She is drawn to him and he is drawn to her. But Declan is just coming out of a relationship with Nadia whom he caught sleeping with another man, so while he is over her, isn't quite ready to dive into something yet.
But, when Elizabeth discovers that her new neighbor, who reads the classics (like her beloved Pride and Prejudice) is none other than Declan, they have a hard time staying away from each other. She hates violence and he is a fighter for money. She cannot let herself get close to another man and allow him to hurt her again, but Declan makes it harder to stick to her guns. This was a sweet story, while still being somewhat predictable. All in all, it was very enjoyable, with very well rounded supporting characters. I look forward to reading the next book about Declan's twin brother Dax Blay, the cocky and arrogant, but un-tattooed Brit who is a fun-loving frat brother, who is secretly looking for love.