A review by veronica87
Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara


I listened to the audiobook version of this and maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had read it on my own. I somehow doubt it though. Anyway, I'm too tired to go into a full review so I'm just going to use bullet points to highlight the issues I had.

- Dear god in heaven but this was wordy. Sometimes it took forever and a day for the story to get to the damn point. It was also repetitive. For example, there was one incident that the heroine relates three or four times to different characters. I got it the first time, thanks.
- I don't think the author knows how to really get across how the magic in this works. I think she tries to get around this by being excessively wordy which...refer back to the first bullet point.
- Heroine belongs to an elite law enforcement organization but it's well established that she almost flunked out of all her classes. I suppose this is why, despite her years on the job, she is woefully ignorant about a lot of things she should know pretty well. She asks questions about things she should already know but often fails to ask the ones she most needs to.
- Two potential love interests, one of whom is the uber cliched immortal being who nevertheless takes a liking to the twenty-year old heroine despite the fact that there is nothing about her looks or intellect to explain his interest. Of course, he's also busy donning his pretentious cloak of mystery. I am so over this well worn trope. *yawn*
- The overall writing style seems very simplistic and some of the dialogue is just downright childish. It reads very much like a YA book in my opinion. The only thing I was even remotely interested in was finding out what the heroine's old associate/friend, Severn, did to earn her wrath. But by the time the heroine had finished with her never-ending telling of their history I no longer cared.

I was already pretty sure that I wasn't going to be proceeding with this series by the halfway mark of this book but, just for a lark, I skimmed some reviews for the last book published - book #11. No spoilers, but it's clear that there are some issues raised in this book that are still not resolved a full TEN BOOKS LATER. Sorry, but if an author can't address some basic stuff in ten books then I certainly can't be bothered to read them all.