A review by cynnn
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout


So much happens that the Poppy and Cas at the beginning of this book versus the ones at the end are so vastly different that it gives whiplash - not.. in a bad way, but definitely in an interesting way.

We learn so much about the world, about the characters, how deep the lies run and how strong love and curiosity are to cause such character development. Poppy continues to be inquisitive and it makes for great lore dumping, Cas starts to soften up now that he’s around his people and they both start to chip away at their miscommunication and omissions.

There’s good lessons learned in this book and lots of self-discovery that was fun to read.

However, some things became even more evident in this one compared to the last: the map is either inaccurate or how travel and distance and locations are described is off; time is off in the writing and I wish editing paid more attention to that.

I also feel like this took a Fourth Wing turn for me in that it increasingly feels more “modern” when the setting is very much fantastical vs modern. I don’t mind it, but I’m sure a ton of people do.

All that said, this book still hits all of my favorite tropes and more so I’m salivating.