A review by filthylittlereader
Bitter Sweet Heart by H. Hunting


“I’ve never felt this connected to anyone before. It feels like you live not only in my heart, but in my soul as well.”

If there was ever a book that embodied the quote, “love conquers all” it’s this one. Helena Hunting delivers another compelling and angsty installment in the Lies, Hearts and Truth series! Bitter Sweet Heart was a reverse age gap student teacher romance but at the same time, it was so much more. It had this incredible depth that just stole my breath.

“You really do live up to your name.”
“How do you mean?”
“You’ve never been one to conform. You make your own rules. And you never take the path of least resistance.”

I never could’ve imagined all that laid within the charming, happy go lucky playboy that was Maverick Waters. He was matured beyond his twenty one years. Seeing inside in his mind, seeing the pain and guilt he harbored was heartbreaking. He carried a heavy burden on his shoulders that stemmed from traumatic events at a young age. Protective and devoted, he was selfless to the point of self sacrifice. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for the people he loved. His journey to self-forgiveness was a hard fought one. This is Maverick at both his most vulnerable and strongest and it was a truly beautiful thing.

“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For coming into my life. For teaching me that I’m stronger than I think. For saving me.”
“I didn’t save you. You saved yourself.”
“Because you taught me how.”

Clover Sweet, her name says it all because she had the most caring spirit. Something in her soul just understood Mav’s and from there, their connection was indisputable. She was the love, acceptance and salve that he needed. His safe place to land. She wanted nothing but the best for Maverick. His wholeness and happiness meant everything to her.
Even with the odds seemingly stacked against them, I admired the determination they shared to have the love they both deserved. They healed each other and had a love that surpassed any and all constraints including those of age and societal opinions.

“It’s what you do, Maverick. Unconsciously, consciously, you protect everyone around you. Which begs the question, who protects you?”

This story explored the effects of trauma, the way it not only shapes a person’s present and future but their whole mindset and the choices they make whether consciously or subconsciously. With Maverick, we see the effects of trauma not only on the person directly affected but those close to them. Helena did a genuinely flawless job with how this subject was written.
This book had it all, steam, heart, passion, angst and emotion in spades. Just an absolute phenomenal read.