A review by iharley
Interstellar: The Official Movie Novelization by Greg Keyes


I've never read a book based on a movie before, it's always been the other way around. One downside to this is how the characters look and talk are already mapped out. Cooper can't look or sound like anyone but Matthew McConaughey. I read the book hoping for more than what the movie showed, but when the book-to-movie process is reversed that just might not be the case. All the important bits are in the movie, anything else would be extra stuff and would be like fan fiction. I will say that it did help in exploring emotions and thoughts not so easily shown in a movie, but there is no extra development or plot to be found. So in this I was disappointed, but that might be the fault of me not looking at the process correctly. As I really likes the movie I don't begrudge having read this, but I will think twice before reading another movie-to-book setup.