A review by unladylike
Baba Yaga's Assistant by Marika McCoola


This book has sat on my shelf since it came out (since my former roommate lent it to me when it was brand new, really. sorry, Melanie!), but I put off reading it because it didn't have a due date. Recently I've tapered off my constant checkings-out of comics at the library in favor of spending dedicated time with some more dense, less illustrated books I've purchased. Today was the first really warm day of spring this year, so it was perfect for a bike ride followed by reading on my porch in the intense Colorado sun with a local beer and my "DarkWytch" Spotify playlist on.

I knew Baba Yaga's Assistant would be good (and isn't it even a credit to the quality of this book that when I type "baba yaga" in the goodreads search engine, this book is the second result?!!?), so I was pleased that it met my high expectations. It gave me The Feels and made me look forward to a future opportunity to read it to an adolescent child (or younger!).

I'm fascinated by the common themes and significant symbolism found in old folk children's tales: the morbidity and the variation within each version of a story, in particular. This satisfied that interest and left me wanting more. Orrrrrr a naaaaapppp. [yawns IRL]