A review by naturalmelody
Together is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration by Simon Sinek


This is an interesting book about leadership, especially around work.
I pondered giving it 3 stars ("i liked it") but considering the book is more targetted towards the business world I think that explains in part why it wasn't as relatable to me.
It's definitely a little book, a very quick read without a lot of text.
It's also full of beautiful drawings and the inspiring phrases are good, but I thought it felt a bit empty, just a series of phrases. There is a kind of story arc, but it's very small.

For me the biggest takeaways were: ask for help; it's easier to face challenges together; the only way to find out if something will work is to do try it, most people live lives by accident as things happen but realization comes from living lives with purpose; the only way to avoid criticism or failure is not do/say/be anything; action is everything, whats important is to start; find a vision. More specifically leadership is about being vulnerable, inspiring and caring for others, trusting them to do their work, putting others first, being open to new ideas and criticism, being a student and supporting others failure.