A review by just_fighting_censorship
The Superior Spider-Man, Vol. 6: Goblin Nation by Dan Slott, Christos Gage


3 1/2 Stars

As much as I have enjoyed Doc Ock's run as Spider-Man it was definitely time to bring Parker back, because the premise was getting a bit tired.

I felt like this was mostly about killing time until the big return, which really wasn't all that exciting. I feel like there was tons of build up with very little payoff. Slot decided to take the sentimental emotional route over the action packed epic duel which was fine but after so much build up I expected Parker's actual return to be a bit more spectacular instead of 'blink and you miss it'.

Unfortunately the 2099 characters who had faded into the background came back into forefront, I shocking hate Miguel O'Hara.

Really I hate all of the stupid side characters.... Wraith and Hobgoblin to be exact. To be honest I've never been much of a Green Goblin fan either, he just seems like a lame Joker (sorry I'm a DC girl). Plus everytime he called himself the Goblin King I thought of David Bowie.

Then Spidey pulls off Goblin's mask to reveal
Spoilersome random guy I'm suppose to recognize from the Alchemax corporation but I don't because I don't care. It was just stupid and unnecessary. Norman Osborn had plastic surgery to change his face?! Oh and then Liz Allan uses the Spider-Sense Jammer for like 3 seconds and Osborn gets away?! And Spidey just shrugs it off! What!? How far could he have gotten in 3 seconds!? GO AFTER HIM, HE'S A MANIAC! Or how about arresting Liz Allan since she just helped Osborn escape? RIDICULOUS!

I was hoping for more collaboration between Peter and Otto before the switch back. I wish people weren't so accepting of Parker's 'oh I was possessed by Otto' story, I was hoping he would have to deal with the Avengers' distrust and MJ's anger. The wrap up was just a bit too tidy.

Overall, I'm happy with the Superior Spider-man storyline. I think it was clever, interesting, and fun but Parker's return could have come a bit sooner.