A review by cathreadsalot
Life Seemed Good, But... by Richard Bell


Thank you to the author for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Life Seemed Good, But is a collection of short stories that all take place in the same setting. Each story is somewhat interrelated; unlike other short story collections, it is imperative that this one be read in chronological order to truly grasp it. Although each story is only about a page or two, I can’t stress enough how important it is to take your time with it. I am very guilty of “rushing” through books in the sense that I like reading big chunks in a day if I have the time. However, with this, you will better appreciate it for all its strangeness and humor if you take your time.

The stories are all very peculiar with a lot of dark humor— some not particularly suited for children. One of my favourites of the 96 was called Grilled Cheese. As a young child, I always used to wonder if my food (and other inanimate objects—thanks Toy Story) had their own minds and could talk, think, and feel. It was kind of funny to see that come to life in a story again, not just with this one but with all of them. Overall, I enjoyed this book and what is also great is that a portion of the proceeds go to cancer research; if you are interested in this I would definitely give it a go :)