A review by precioussantiago
The Auctioneer by Joan Samson


This was an easy 4 star read for me-I enjoyed this very much and would highly recommend, but be forewarned this is a slow, slow burn of a book and not much happens in the way of action/thriller/suspense and your traditional horror elements. BUT..in my opinion this book embodies the kind of quiet horror that is in the realm of possibility that is way more terrifying than any sort of ghost or monster.

This book left me so angry and frustrated with the central characters while simultaneously wanting to scoop in and save them. Their vulnerability is so relatable, as much as we all like to believe that we are very unlikely to be in a situation that would strip us of everything and render us victims-this book actually had me thinking, “this is something that could happen to me and to people I love”. That’s just a testament of how effective and powerful Samson’s writing is.

Long story short, lol. If one of your fears is the idea of being powerless and falling victim to the “powers that be”and feeling completely helpless to your circumstances, this book is for you.