A review by savaging
Our Spoons Came from Woolworths by Barbara Comyns


I found Barbara Comyns through an articla by Taisia Kitaiskaia (https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/wild-enchantment/creatureliness-barbara-comyns). Kitaiskaia argues that Comyns is something of a 1950s british 'literary witch,' surrounded by newts and rodents and kitchen magic, even when she's telling a traditional story about being married with kids in London.

Kitaiskaia writes that Comyns's narrators "tell their tales as a mouse might, if you stopped it in its tracks: matter of factly and without self-pity." The sentences in this book remind me of something Joy Williams might write, curt but also whimsical.

That said: many of the pages are about things like making jam without burning it, or the payment plan for a divan. So, not a book for everyone. But I'm looking forward to reading Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead and The Vet's Daughter in the future.