A review by amym84
Beautiful Burn by Adriane Leigh


I will say with the subject matter that Beautiful Burn presents in the blurb I was a little iffy about whether or not I really wanted to read it. Everyone was a consenting adult within the story so I gave it a chance.

It was a pretty quick read. I read it in a couple of hours (that's including any and all interruptions that can occur). The only time I think a longer story could have been helpful was when there were random flashbacks thrown in throughout. I would often have to go back and realign myself with just where I was in the story and what information was being relayed to me. I think if the story was longer these confusions wouldn't have happened because there could have been more lead-in time.

I was surprised when the entirety of the story was told from Reed's (Mr. West) point of view. I kept expecting Aurburn's POV to pop up, but it didn't. I figured this was all some sort of plot device to eventually lead to some kind of nefarious actions on Aurburn's part that Reed didn't see coming, but well....if you want to know you'll just have to read the story.

There were times when I thought that the story was getting a bit monotonous. Now I feel like this is Adriane Leigh lulling readers into a sense of complacency and then BAM here comes the twist! I truly didn't see the twist coming, but once it did I mentally went back through different scenes. There were little, tiny, minuscule hints but nothing, I think, that could have caused the reader to discern what was really coming. I'm ok with that. I'm ok with the author having all the cards and not showing them to the readers just until it's time. I mean the book blurb clearly states that there are secrets between Auburn and Reed. I guess this was the one secret I didn't think of.

Overall, I'm glad I gave the book a chance. It is a classic case of "don't judge a book by it's cover" (or subject matter).