A review by liberrydude
Atlas of the Invisible: Maps and Graphics That Will Change How You See the World by James Cheshire, Oliver Uberti


Absolutely fascinating look into a variety of disparate subjects: unexploded ordnance in SEA, happiness, weather, climate change, misogyny, fishing, covid, lynchings, DNA - to name a few. More than maps this is about conveying information visually so it can be quickly understood. A good example was Dan Rather in 1961 drawing an outline of the Texas coastline over a radar image of an approaching hurricane. This enabled his viewers to see the size of the storm and decide to evacuate Galveston. Lives were saved.

A gorgeous book well written, engaging, and informative. Lots of jaw dropping facts. Here’s one. More sperm whales killed between 1962-1972 than 18th and 19th Centuries combined.