A review by tanyad74
Dark Alpha's Awakening by Donna Grant


Review originally posted at Rantings of a Reading Addict

So far, I think Dark Alpha's Awakening one of my favorites of the series. My notes page is full of all the stuff that happens in this book! I know the blurb doesn't give away the couple, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut and not say who it is. It is one of my favorite couples though.

Bran is still the main villain and he is only getting stronger. It also seems like his allies are growing. How loyal they are will be the question. Bran is showing off his powers in a way that tore at my heart. He seems to be breaking the Reapers down and winning! My anxiety was through the roof.

We see a lot of characters flit in and out of this story. It's like a puzzle to see who fits where. The excitement and action in this book was perfect and kept me on my toes. The ending was a shocker and I'm so excited to see how that plays into the upcoming books. I feel like we're going to go in a new direction now.

Also, River gives birth in this book. What bothered me is Erith's comments and how they relate to what has happened before and is noted in a Dark King book. Seems there might be a conflict there, and it may well have been addressed and I just missed it. If you know what happened there, someone leave a comment and let me know!