A review by hyperashley
Streets of Mayhem by John W. Mefford


I became an instant fan of John Mefford after reading Fatal Greed so I was excited to start this book too. For the most part I enjoyed this read, it was a little alarming at times but incredibly thrilling! I am really enjoying thrillers the more I read them.

Booker was an awesome character! He was very entertaining and a helluva cop, even when he was suspended he still managed to be cop like. I liked how even though he was suspended he didn't let it stop him, he picked himself up and found what he needed to do. That's all anyone can really do and it was refreshing to be reading it.

I didn't care for any of the racism. I know it exists in the world I have to read about it everywhere else, so I don't like it in my books. It sucks that it still exists and I hate reading about it in the news so I really, really hate it in my books. I'm glad Booker was able to keep his cool the way he did when he was faced with it.

This was a pretty face paced book, it did not take long at all for things to start happening. All I'll say about that is it starts with boom. There was so much action in this book that it made it so much more enjoyable for me than I thought it was going to be. The ending was kind of easy, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet. It was good because it was almost like you could let go of the breath you were unknowingly holding. It was bad because I'm always looking for a long drawn out fight but I enjoyed the way it ended.