A review by aliceboule
Embrace the Night by Karen Chance


This is one of those series that demanded to be read completely before I could review - and so this goes for the whole Cassandra Palmer series (up to book 4).

I was pleasantly suprised with Touch the Dark and Karen Chance's series. The summary sounded very similar to the hordes of vampire fiction existing in the bookstores, and I was a bit dubious at how it would turn out.

Well, turns out that I don't know what I am talking about because OBIVOUSLY the topic has not been overused -- Chance tweezed something out and it was, jaw stopping awesome.

Cassandra knows what she wants, how to get it, and will not stop until she has it -- freedom.

She never lets herself be walked all over by the reigning vampires and manages to buckle down and actually accomplish things. And within her jam packed schedule she still has time to laugh.

There was some over-crowding of history and names. And a little too much happened a way too small frame of time. At one point I thought the series was going to evolve into an anita blake book, but we were saved from that - barely. Don't get me wrong, I love me some anita blake, but one is enough.

Bref. I enjoyed reading this series. Will most definitely be reading the rest!