A review by ranniewhitlock
The 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni


Concept-wise, this is excellent, and you should probably read it. It sparked a very productive meeting within my workplace, and led to us implementing new systems that will hopefully increase productivity and contentment in our roles.

But the whole first hour (I listened to the audiobook) is completely unrelated to anything. It's set up as a parable, which I was all for when I heard the concept. A business book told as a story? Sure, let's go! But the first hour is basically a bunch of NAME PUNS. Like the background into why this character has a funny name, or other completely unrelated info that I think is supposed to try to get you connected to the characters? Even if it was a story, it's very drawn out, but it's a business book. The intro would have been just as effective if it had been ten minutes, but it literally took an hour to get to any of the concepts mentioned.

Putting the concepts into a fictionalized dialogue did work well. EXCEPT every time a new character walked into the room, the exact same dialogue was repeated. Over and over again. Repetition is useful in learning new concepts, but the same lines happening just because a new character got introduced got tiring really fast and made finishing feel like a big chore.

I admit that this is really useful and I'm glad I read it, but it definitely frustrated me in some parts. Hang in there, it's worth finishing. But maybe skim the first fourth of the book.