A review by karen_perkins
The Goldenwealth Light by Scott McCloskey


Theo's parents won the lottery which turned Theo and his sister, Marie's, lives upside down, and not in a good way. They are piled with 'stuff', except they do not get what they really want – time and attention from their parents. On top of that, Theo is bullied at his new school for being 'nouveau' and feels completely alone, losing himself in JRR Tolkein and other fantasy novels. Then he finds a mysterious book in the school library – its pages are blank, yet it is bound with an elaborate cover, which burns its design onto Theo's skin.
Theo and Marie wake the next morning in Quaylund, and are immediately accosted by an aggressive man riding something similar to a horse, but with horns and too many legs. They are bound and forced to march to The Gossamer City, where everything is different and confusing, and Theo appears to be very special. Then things really start to go wrong.

This is a great start to a story. Scot McCloskey brings you into Theo's world immediately, and you can't help but empathise with him. Alternately humorous and poignant, The Goldenwealth Light is let down a little by the grammar and punctuation, but please do not let this put you off, it does not take anything away from the story, and this is a story that needs to be read. It is thought-provoking and surprising, a kind of Kafkaesque Alice in Wonderland with a bit of The Wizard of Oz thrown in.
Humming-Gnomes, Felkins, Traversimorphs, Balthans, Zephyrs (dragons with feathers), Ripplewaifs (sentient, walking columns of water) are all part of the cast, yet are so beautifully described and characterised, it's very easy to keep everyone/thing straight and enjoy the story as Theo, Marie and their motley selection of strange friends set out on their quest to find out what has befallen the city of Kell.
Threat, suspense and adventure abound, and is interspersed with moments of wisdom "You have to learn to live with who you are." is one piece of advice given to Theo, The Goldenwealth Light is a gem of a book. But be prepared to buy the next one in the series to find out what ultimately happens to Theo et al. I raced through the book, want to read the next one, and hope this series continues through many more.

The author builds a fantastical world with depth and some very clever and imaginative touches. He draws you in and makes you believe in even the most fantastical. If your child enjoys Narnia, Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter, they will love The Goldenwealth Light.