A review by onceuponthesewords
Six Weeks to Live by Catherine McKenzie


Jennifer, a mother to triplets, is given six weeks to live after being diagnosed with a glioblastoma. After thinking about it and looking back at her old lab results, she believes she’s been poisoned. And before she dies, she wants to find out who did this to her…

This is my first book from Catherine McKenzie, and it was meh. Nothing too great, but nothing bad either. I thought some parts of the plot were a little farfetched/unbelievable at times, and a lot of the middle seemed to drag on for ages… but the ending brought many twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting, which I liked.

I didn’t find it particularly thrilling for the most part, but I’m willing to give more of McKenzie’s books a try in the future — some of them sound great!