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A review by audrey_n
The Queen's Assassin by Melissa de la Cruz


3.5 stars
It wasn't bad... I mean, I've read worse.
The one thing that annoyed me however, was the fact that one pov was 1st person and the other was 3rd. It was really confusing when switching between the two characters. I also felt that the plot twist didn't really work - it's plausible but was somewhat unecessary. There were time when I could easily predict what would happen, and other times when I had no idea what was going on. In the end I wasn't as attached to the characters as I felt I should be, possibly because I read the book over two days. As the book was short-ish, you don't get enough time to understand the characters and their motives. Overall, this book wasn't terrible, however there are many things to be improved. I am assuming this book will be a series, although it ended in a good place. I'm not sure at this point whether I will continue the series - you never know, it could get better by the next book.