A review by justinm
Einstein's Cosmos: How Albert Einstein's Vision Transformed Our Understanding Of Space And Time by Michio Kaku


As the review says on the back of the book, "you don't need to be an Einstein to understand Einstein."

Physicist, futurist, professor, popularizer of science and bestselling author Dr Michio Kaku tells the story of Einstein's life, from the early stages, how he formed his theories, and how he changed the world. Kaku tells the reader that simple physical terms that can be understood by a child are much better than shuffling through mathematics when trying puzzle out the deepest mysteries of the universe. It was Einstein's ability to think in terms of simple physical pictures that would ultimately cause him to form his well known theories.

This is a short and easy to read biography on one of the greatest scientists the world has seen. Michio Kaku tells the story brilliantly, and his deep respect for Einstein as a scientist shines through the pages. This book will be a very enjoyable read to anyone interested in Einstein and science history in general.