A review by lieslindi
Remembrance of Things Past: Volume II - The Guermantes Way & Cities of the Plain by Marcel Proust

2013 was the year of A Dance to the Music of Time, and I thought 2014 might be the one for In Search of Lost Time. But it's dull. I'm in the third volume (I listened to the first two before 2013) and I still haven't connected with any one or any theme or setting. Could it be that except for The Little Prince, French literature doesn't stir me? Mme. Bovary was okay; everyone in Les Miserables except Jean Valjean (and the priest) was hohum; I had no patience with The Red and the Black; and contemporary French fiction either loses everything in translation or I have no taste or it's tedious. Maybe if the prompt to his memory had been chocolate biscuits instead of boring madeleines I would have connected more. But it's dull.