A review by dragonstar1974
Cream and Punishment by Susannah Nix


Terrificly written, well-paced second chance tale with mounds of angst, scintillating sexy sweet poetry laced love scenes (Oh my heart!), and a cute kitty to cuddle!

While this story wasn't my first flavor of choice, in the end you can't help but cheer for Tanner and Lucy. If only one could lock them in a walk-in freezer to snuggle and talk! Hearts and minds would melt together so much faster and sweeter. Also be warned the level of toxicity and manipulation from both sets of the parents in this book was a lot despite the author's warning. It was hard to read even knowing it would be a major theme. But something tells me there's a secret recipe brewing Mr. King's actions that we just don't know yet.

I can't wait to see what Ms. Nix has planned for the rest of this series!

Thanks to the author for the early sneak peek of this story!