A review by readtolive
Rain by Amanda Sun


I had long anticipated this sequel, and I am so grateful to the publisher for allowing me to access it through Netgalley so that I could read and review the title.

That being said, my emotions feel raw and toyed with right now! There were many parts of this one that I enjoyed even more than the first one. I still felt a bit stupid because of some of the Japanese terminology, and I had to use my phone to keep looking things up as I was reading, but in a way, that felt good, too because I was learning about a new culture. The way the characters had developed and changed from Ink through the story of Rain, there was a beauty and a mystery to it, which was sometimes also very, very frightening.

This story was at once thrilling, beautiful, romantic, adventurous and horrifying. So many emotions, so little book. It really is impressive.

All of that being said, though, the last few pages were somewhat, well, irritating. The ending seemed way to open-ended. I mean, I know it is not the end of the series or anything, but I feel like instead of having any kind of closure, I am left with way more questions than the author will be able to answer in the one remaining book in the series that will be out next year. I am at once satisfied with the story, and yet very frustrated with the ending.

To have all of the turmoil, only to fall together in the end. It's the age-old story of forbidden love that we have seen over and over throughout the genre of YA Romance. It was good, but some parts of it were just too, well, expected.