A review by knuckledown
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks


Definitely goes under the category of Guilty Pleasure. Try as I might to hide it, I am a hopeless romantic at heart. If I'm in the right mood, this movie is perfect. The love story comes at you like a tidal wave. I had been wanting to read the book for a long time, probably hoping for a similar effect to when I read A Walk to Remember.

However, it didn't have quite the same effect. The movie makes the love story very dramatic, while the book is more contemplative. There was a lot of the characters thinking about whether or not they could really get back together. Touching at times, but it gets repetitive. Not surprisingly, the movie focuses more on the young Noah and Allie, while the book spends more time on elderly Noah reading Allie their story in hopes that she will remember him. That's probably the most original part of the story though, so that wasn't all bad.

Overall a quick read. Not off the charts awesome, but good for a romantic fix.