A review by anoblesoul
Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson


Man, this is probably my favorite series of all time. This is my third time reading it (maybe fourth) and I think I enjoyed it more this time. There are several scenes that are just amazing, like when Covenant meets Foamfollower and the giant asks him to talk about himself, or when Bannor assesses the Ramen methods after the killing of the kresh. (I'm trying to be non-spoiler about it.)

I find Bannor to be one of my favorite characters, and the Bloodguard in general are so rich. As are the Ramen, and Saltheart Foamfollower is not only one of the great characters, but one of the greatest names ever.

I've often heard people say that this book is slow because it needs to provide the background for everything and suffers from "origin story syndrome" but I just find the world-building to be so imaginative and solid and rich. I've used that word twice now, but that is the best word for it. Going from our world to The Land must be like going from watching an old grainy black and white television to seeing a hi-def 3-D television. I do favor the second and third books in the series over this one, but I truly enjoyed this rereading.