A review by kfriend
The Assist by Rebecca Jenshak


Audio Re-Read

I have to admit I loved this even more on audio- the performances were top notch, the emotional really came through, a

Blair and Wes started my Jenshak obsession, and I loved revisiting them. College, new adult, loads of college shenanigans and sports moments, but the characters are still mature, responsible, thoughtful, and most importantly-emotionally intelligent. This book is full of tropes I love in addition to college/sports- a sort of friends to lovers vibes, a great girl gang and team dynamic, a tutoring situation, and I loved how the token sorority girl/college athlete archetypes are NOT who these characters are- smart jocks, after all.

The chemistry is cute, the steam a moderate burn that's also really sweet, and I loved how these two had all these assumptions about each other and when they become closer they realize how wrong they were. (almost like a P and P type vibe). RJ gives us great banter, characters with depth and complexity, amazing friendships and some laughs, and a bit of drama/angst but nothing that hits TOO hard or lasts too long. I also loved how both of these characters are ambitious and thoughtful and caring- about their own aspirations, about each others', about their friends. They help each other be brave enough to pursue their dreams, or, in some cases, re thinking them when things dont quite go to plan.

Loads of fun, charming, and a fast-paced and super consumable read. And the audio was perfectly narrated- both characters exactly nailed the tone and tenor of the personalities and brought lots of layers.