A review by buttercupita
These Precious Days by Ann Patchett


Wow -- now I know a lot more about Ann Patchett! I've enjoyed three of her novels, and am always so impressed by the effortless quality of her writing. It was interesting to hear a little bit more about her process and also to discover who she is as a person. Had I read this before my recent trip to Nashville, I certainly would have stopped at her Parnassus Books. I thought this statement deserved special highlight on Goodreads:

"I promote the books I love tirelessly, because a book can so easily get lost in the mad shuffle of the world and it needs someone with a loud voice to hold it up and praise it."

Though some essays are better than others (true of any collection, and hey, you're not committed to reading through each one!), if you are a person who loves books and writers, you will definitely enjoy this book!