A review by wellreadashlee
The Shining by Stephen King


I can't believe how long it took me to read this novel, but it was by far my favorite novel of 2020, and is now one of my favorite books I have ever read if I am being honest.
I had heard great things about this book from so many people, but I felt that if I had seen the movie I probably wouldn't need to read the book.
That changed when Dr. Sleep came out (the movie) and I was told the movie would make a lot more sense if I had read the Shining, as it follows the book closer than the movie, and the movie was much different.
I decided to read it at that point. Stephen King had me pulled into the book within the first chapter. I devoured every page, and could hardly put it down. It was as if the book itself was the overlook hotel, demanding my attention and my commitment to it. I was so invested in the characters, and their character development. My heart ached for Jack knowing he was losing his self-control, and that the Overlook was taking over despite his best efforts. I rooted for Danny as he overcame his fears, and fought back the hotel. I hoped Wendy would be able to see what was happening and get her family out before all hope was lost (although I knew in the end that probably wouldn't be the case). There were obvious strong family connections that were woven intricately throughout the story and really gave the book so much substance. The book vs the movie actually talks much more in-depth about Danny's "shine" that being the reason for the title of the book, and it made me excited to continue to learn more.
The only real negative I could give this book is it made me dislike the movie, as it lacks the depth and soul that the book has. It lacks the realness of the characters and the battles that each of them was fighting before, and in the Overlook hotel.

I will definitely read this book again, and I highly recommend it to anyone.