A review by alexan13
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown


This book is so gripping and angsty and good!

Something I truly appreciate in this book is Brown's dedication to depicting the effects of grief and anxiety on our protagonists. (While of course this is not universally true) I have found that in YA fantasy in particular, characters often deal with trauma, but the effects of that trauma on the characters are brushed over or not depicted on the page. In this book, both Karina and Malik struggle, and we see how grief, trauma, and panic attacks makes their functioning in their world -- and the completion of their individual quests -- difficult, and is something they must actually contend with and learn how to cope with. And neither character finds a "solution," even as both find coping mechanisms that help them. I personally (speaking only from my own experiences) thought it was a really wonderful portrayal. The character development, and my connection to both protagonists, was truly aided by this depiction.

Also, the enemies-to-lovers set-up of this novel is Top Tier. Like truly Top Tier. I can't wait to see what comes next in the sequel!